Tuesday, May 06, 2008

am currently leading a VERY VERY HECTIC life now.
homework are piling up like never before
exams keep popping up
school hours also seem to be never ending
hvn't had much time for myself to RELAX lately.
can't wait till JUNE HOLIDAYS come! =)))
then i can finally spend some quality time with my dear friends
speaking of which...
there are people i wanna thank again,
for being there to support me & cheering me up
during these tough & stupid periods of my life >.<
CAROL: everytime its u who i need to thank haha
Bestie! U really lighted up my life.
its always ur support & encouragements that pulled me through
simple words can never be enough,
the describe the LOVE & GRADITUDE i have for u!
<3> xD
oh yes...ur bf (AARON) is included too! =)
YO Brother! i hope u still rmb this pic!
haha don't scold me for putting it up k?
its here to remind us how long our friendship has lasted =)))
hahas thanks for all ur assuring words of comfort

MAS: my minah =)))
Darling~ i can't believe we could actually bond so much
within this few short months =)))
hanging out with u always puts a smile on my face! =D
dunno its because of ur blurness or what la...
but u just makes me smile & at times laugh my ass off! xD

SARAH & KELINE: my bitching partners! =Pp
its always comforting to know that u have 2 friends
who would go all out to help u 'stand'
without the both of u...things would have been different
i might have just given up...
but u 2 told me to hang on...& I WILL! =D
thanks thanks! =))) <3

FANG YI: the stupid GAY ah beng xD
thanks for the 'cheer up' biscult! =)))
thanks for listening to my craps
and giving me 'advise' =Pp
lovesss <3
now aside from the 'thank yous'...
i now owe some 'sorries' as well
firstly to Rui Wei,
forgive me for not guarding ur safety well enough
secondly to Ah Teck,
sorry for all the trouble caused
thirdly to Mdm Lai,
for not informing u of 2day's self-training
lastly to my Team,
sorry i let u all down...i took things for granted
i screwed up...and i'm so so sorry.
i know most of u must be angry/upset with me now.
if there's anyway possible...i'll make it up.
i'll bear all responsibility...
sorry again for being such a lousy captain now.

i seriously wished it was me. NOT her.


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